The Board of the Register of Damage for Ukraine Prepares for the Launch of New Claims Categories

The Board of the Register of Damage for Ukraine Prepares for the Launch of New Claims Categories

The Board of the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (RD4U) convened for its third meeting in The Hague from 10 to 14 June 2024. The Board focused on the adoption of rules and claim forms related to twelve categories of claims. The rules and claim forms adopted by the Board are subject to approval by the Conference of Participants before entering into force.

The Board made the following statement:

“From the outset, our aim has been to prioritise the collection and recording of claims from individuals most affected by the war, as well as claims related to Ukraine’s critical infrastructure.

Since the Register opened for the submission of claims on 2 April 2024, several thousand claims have been submitted related to damage and destruction of residential property.

At our third meeting, we adopted rules and claim forms related to twelve claims categories, including claims related to the death and disappearance of immediate family members, involuntary internal displacement, and a number of new categories related to damage and destruction of property.

We also adopted the rules and claim form governing claims for damage and destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure.

In addition to claims from individuals, some of these categories will be open to the submission of claims from legal entities and the State of Ukraine, including its regional and local authorities.

In accordance with international law and the object and purpose of the Register’s Statute, we decided that claims by Russian nationals shall not be eligible for recording in the Register. However, claims by Russian nationals may be recorded if they can establish that they also hold another nationality.

We also adopted Rules on the Use of Representatives. These rules will allow individuals and legal entities to easily – in Diia – appoint a representative to submit claims on their behalf. Parents and guardians will also be able to submit claims on behalf of minors or persons under guardianship. Moreover, under these rules, those who themselves cannot or do not want to use the Diia digital system, will be able to submit claims with the assistance of Centres for Provision of Administrative Services located across Ukraine, where they will receive all the required support.

Once the rules and claim forms have been approved by the Register’s member States, the Register will open for the submission of claims in these twelve new categories and implement the new rules.

Additional categories of claims, including categories related to violations of personal integrity, to loss of property, income or livelihood, business and other economic losses, loss of access to public services, loss of historic, cultural and religious heritage, damage to the environment and natural resources, demining and clearance of unexploded ordnance, will be launched in due course. 

We recall that the work of the Register is intended to constitute the first component of a future international compensation mechanism which may include a claims commission and a compensation fund. As such, the Register represents a significant first step to ensure timely compensation for the victims of the Russian Federation’s internationally wrongful acts in or against Ukraine.

We strongly encourage all those affected by the aggression of the Russian Federation to submit claims to the Register under the relevant categories.”


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The Hague 17/06/2024
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