Claims and Process
The Register has started receiving claims for damage, loss or injury caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation in or against Ukraine.
The procedure for submission and processing of claims to the Register is determined by the Rules Governing the Submission, Processing and Recording of Claims (the "Claims Rules").
The Register may record claims for damage, loss or injury caused to natural and legal persons, as well as the State of Ukraine, including its regional and local authorities, state-owned or controlled entities:
- on or after 24 February 2022;
- in the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, including its territorial waters;
- by the Russian Federation’s internationally wrongful acts in or against Ukraine.
Claims must be submitted to the Register of Damage for Ukraine (RD4U) in digital format through the Diia web portal.
Claims may be submitted in Ukrainian or English; however, due to current technical limitations, submissions in English are not possible at the moment.
Categories of claims currently open for submission of claims to the Register
A2.1 Death of an Immediate Family Member
A3.1 Damage or Destruction of Residential Immovable Property
Rules and other documents related to the submission of claims are available on this page.
Persons who prefer or need to submit their claim through a representative, such as children, will be able to do so as soon as the necessary technical implementation has been completed.
In due course, those who are unable to use Diia for claims submission will be afforded the opportunity to submit their claims with assistance from the Centres for Provision of Administrative Services in Ukraine.
Who can submit a claim and what types of claims can be submitted?
Claims to the Register can be submitted by individuals, legal entities and the State of Ukraine (including its regional and local authorities, state-owned or controlled entities).
In the future, non-Ukrainian nationals will also be able to submit claims to the Register, including in the English language. Claims by Russian nationals are not eligible to be recorded in the Register. However, claims by Russian nationals may be recorded in the Register if they can establish that they also hold another nationality.
Rules on the Use of Representatives have been adopted and when implemented, they will allow claimants – both individuals and legal persons – to appoint representatives to submit claims on their behalf via Diia. These rules will for example enable parents and guardians to submit claims on behalf of minor children or persons under guardianship.
The list of categories of claims that may be submitted to the Register is broad and includes various types of damage, loss or injury. This full list of categories is available here.
The Register will launch categories of claims in stages. Currently, claimants can submit a claim in Category A3.1 – Damage or destruction of residential immovable property.
Who can submit a claim now?
All owners of damaged or destroyed residential immovable property, including those whose property is located in the territories of Ukraine under temporary occupation or in active combat areas, those who have not participated in the so called “eRecovery” program run by the Ukrainian Government, and those unable to register their property in the relevant registries in Ukraine, can now submit claims to the Register.
How to submit a claim?
Claims can be submitted to the Register via the Diia web portal. The Diia web portal is accessible from any internet connected device, including mobile phones. The Diia mobile application can be used to track the status of a submitted claim and to receive notifications with updates about the Register and its services.
More information is available here.
Where can claimants get the information necessary to submit a claim?
Diia will help claimants collect as much information as possible by pulling data from other registers and databases. When filling out the electronic claim form this information will be automatically displayed in the form. Claimants will also be able to add information and evidence at their disposal by uploading files, providing descriptions of the files and other comments.
What other categories of claims can be submitted in the near future?
The Register is preparing for the launch of 12 new categories of claims, including death and disappearance of immediate family members, involuntary internal displacement, destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure, and additional categories related to damage and destruction of property.
More information here.
How will the claims be processed and when can claimants expect a decision?
The procedure for submission and processing of claims to the Register is determined by the Rules Governing the Submission, Processing and Recording of Claims (the “Claims Rules”).
According to the Claims Rules, claims will be processed in two stages.
At the first stage, claims will be checked by the Register's Secretariat for compliance with formal and technical requirements, as well as preliminary assessment of eligibility in accordance with Article 18 of the Claims Rules. At this stage, the Secretariat will also consolidate similar claims into groups that will be reviewed together, to speed up their processing and review.
During the verification process, the Secretariat will apply advanced data processing methods. This may include the use of special software, including artificial intelligence.
After review by the Secretariat, the claims will be considered by the Board of the Register, which has the ultimate authority on recording of claims in the Register. The Board may decide whether or not to record a claim in the Register, or to return it for further review. The claimants will be notified of the Board's decision via Diia.
The Register does not review the merits of claims, nor does it award or pay compensation to claimants. This will be the mandate of a future compensation mechanism, which is yet to be established. This process will take some time, but Ukraine and its partners have already started working on it.