The Register has started receiving claims for damage, loss or injury caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation in or against Ukraine.

The procedure for submission and processing of claims to the Register is determined by the Rules Governing the Submission, Processing and Recording of Claims (the "Claims Rules").

The Register may record claims for damage, loss or injury caused to natural and legal persons, as well as the State of Ukraine, including its regional and local authorities, state-owned or controlled entities:

  • on or after 24 February 2022;
  • in the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, including its territorial waters; 
  • by the Russian Federation’s internationally wrongful acts in or against Ukraine.

Claims should be submitted to the Register of Damage for Ukraine (RD4U) in electronic form

 via the Diia web portal 

Those who cannot or do not want to use Diia for the submission of claims will soon be able to do it via the Centres for Provision of Administrative Services in Ukraine.


Categories currently open for submission of claims:

To submit a claim, claimants will need to fill in an electronic form in Diia and provide the necessary information about themselves and their damage, loss or injury.

Before submitting a claim, claimants should read the following information carefully :

 Disclaimer, Information and Instructions for Claimants to the Register

 How to submit a claim to the Register  

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