Commissioner for Human Rights Visits Register of Damage for Ukraine

Commissioner for Human Rights Visits Register of Damage for Ukraine

The Executive Director of the Register of Damage for Ukraine, Markiyan Kliuchkovskyi, welcomed the Council of Europe's new Commissioner for Human Rights, MichaelO' Flaherty, to the Register’s Office in The Hague.

RD4U Executive Director Kliuchkovskyi thanked Commissioner O'Flaherty for his staunch support for Ukraine and the Register. Commissioner O'Flaherty's visit to the Register follows his first official travel to Ukraine since taking up his post in April this year, marking his strong commitment to supporting Ukraine and its people as they continue to endure Russia’s aggression.

The Executive Director and the Commissioner discussed the importance of accountability and redress for the victims of Russia’s aggression and the Register as an essential element of restorative justice efforts.

The exchange also focused on the importance of applying a victim-centred approach to the claims process and the Executive Director underlined the Register’s commitment to prioritising the dignity, respect, and involvement of victims in the claims process, paying particular attention to gender aspects and the most vulnerable categories of victims. He also emphasised that the Register is committed to pursuing inclusive justice to ensure that all those affected by the war have a pathway to justice and reparations.

In conclusion, RD4U Executive Director Kliuchkovskyi and Commissioner O'Flaherty discussed the necessity to commence the work on the remaining elements of the compensation mechanism, namely the claims commission and the compensation fund.

The Hague 15/05/2024
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